Monday, June 7, 2010

Weed Control...In the Summer???

The following post was contributed by "guest blogger" Ryan Gielow. Ryan has been in the pest & weed control business for many years, and would always provide a great solution for any of your pest, termite or weed control issues. Many thanks to Ryan for providing this insightful article. He can be reached at 602-550-1932 or via email at



Ryan G. “Dr Weeds”
Arizona Exterminating

A question I have had to answer many time these past 25 years in the pest, termite and weed control industry is, “Why would I need to spray my weeds in the summer time?” There are many answers to this simple question but first I always like to ask my own question.

What do you want people to think when they drive by your house or pull up for a pool party? Frankly if your front yard has weeds they are going to make a judgment about you and your home. This snap decision can happen unfortunately, even with your best of friends.

With the extremely wet winter we had this year there is a very good chance you still have weeds in your yard. Or worse yet, you might have given up the fight because you have noticed that each time you cut the weeds or pull them out of the ground they come back and seem to bring friends along with them. This is a very natural occurrence. When your father told you to “pull them out by the roots” he did have a very good reason. Just below the surface most plants have a nodule that contains meristematic tissue. This tissue is where the plant literally grows from, so when you cut the top of the plant off it biologically “knows” to grow another top. In other words, you are trying to fight the laws of the universe… good luck with that.

There is a great solution to the ever irritating problem of hacking down weeds every weekend. After all don’t we have so many much more fun things to do during our weekends? One call to a professional herbicide applicator and your weed problems could be a distant memory! Notice, I said professional herbicide applicator. For some reason, the state of Arizona lowered the requirements for the application of herbicides.

Any Tom, Dick, or Harry with a truck can buy a post emergent herbicide and as long as they are spraying less than 3 gallons at a time they can spray your yard. Well, it is up to you but I certainly wouldn’t want some of these guys spraying something that can destroy my good plants without knowing everything there is to know about the plants and chemicals they are applying. Always use a licensed professional. Someone who has taken the weed control certification class from the State of Arizona Office of Pest Management and works for a company with a weed control qualifying party license.

Anyone from Arizona Exterminating that comes to your house to spray for weeds has the necessary licenses to not only apply more than 3 gallons of product at a time but we can also apply per-emergent herbicides as well. Pre-emergent herbicides are the key to effective long term weed control. When one of my guys comes to your property to spray a pre-emergent you WILL NOT SEE NEW WEEDS. If you remain on the schedule you will get to a point that you never have weeds in your yard again!

Wouldn’t you love to stop worrying about pulling weeds in the heat again? Can you imagine not wondering what your neighbors think of the weeds in your yard? How great would it be getting your weekends back from the weeds in your yard? Well all of this is possible. I have been making this dream come true for my clients for over 25 years. Give me a call or simply click this email link and you will know what it is like to get your free time back!

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